Growing our spirit In order to keep the momentum of the spirit alive and flourishing, we need to build upon our spirit and lead us all deeper into the Truth of Christ, which ultimately brings Joy to all who Hope, Trust and Act in the Lord.
And thanks to the many, many donors to our Forward with Faith campaign a number of years ago—and to all who have remained loyal to the campaign commitments, we are able now to truly add more “meat” to the spirit of our community.
Susan Zybert and Zach Wood have been working on an educational program to grow our faith at all ages in our parish. From talks and events that will illustrate the RELEVANCE and BEATUY of our Catholic faith in the modern world—we will be engaging Liturgy Training Publications in the New Year.
We will also engage various speakers—for all ages—on topics which show the direct link between faith and everyday life in the world around us. Programs for pre-teens (research shows that children make their decisions about faith by the time they are 12 or 13 years of age as well as programs for teenagers and young adults. We shall also bring in events and talks for seniors facing different challenges to faith in later life, and empty nesters who are now learning anew about their marriage relationships. We are also looking into a family-oriented, one-day retreat for the Easter and Pentecost seasons. And this weekend and next weekend, our team leaders for the new Nurturing Seedlings ministry are being trained for this new ministry aimed at engaging young families in the church. More to come.