Sunday, immediately following the 11 am. Mass, a brief Fortnight for Freedom prayer service will be held in the Mary Garden. Religious freedom is being challenged by secular societies all around the world—from horrible acts of violence against Christians in some African nations to state-sponsored suppression in China, to legislative proposals and state/federal court mandates here in our own “Land of Freedom,” religious liberties are under attack: from the president’s health care mandate forcing Catholics and other Christians to provide medicines and medical practices that violate the fundamental tenants of our faith to assaults on the family, human life itself, and the idea of religious education. The most powerful thing we can do is to unite our voices in prayer. Come let your voice be heard! Listen to Christ in last weekend’s Gos-pel…“who do you say that I am?” Is He the Truth? Are His Ways worth our time, our efforts—our souls—to de-fend. Join us in prayer. Immediately following the prayer service join in on a real 4thof July treat for all.