On March 16th, Thursday, our Youth Ministry team will head out on their Boston Mission Trip where they will interact with God’s children who are in need of food, shelter, dignity and human compassion. One of the things the missionaries will do is to pray in thanksgiving for all of us, our parish, for your generosity in supporting them on this trip and in all their Christian endeavors throughout the year.
As they pray in thanksgiving for us and our parish, let us pray for them in a special way as they reach out beyond themselves and their needs to stand with others. A simple prayer, a fiat, that is all it takes: + Father, guide and protect those from our parish as they venture to Boston and offer care and Christian friendship to those in need. Protect their travels, keep them safe in their duties, open their eyes not only to the needs of those who are less fortunate, but that they may see at home all the blessings You have given to them: families that care, parents that sacrifice, and a community who supports them in their Christian journey.
Return them to us safely and enable them to teach us how better to live like You in this world. Amen