There are many myths and misinformation about the Catholic Church. Sure, people know all the “Thou shall nots” but do you really know the heart of the Church, and what she does in the world and in this Nation, all the good?
The Roman Catholic Church is the largest private entity providing food, shelter, healthcare, education and other social service resources in our Nation, aside from the federal and state governments, which have taxing authority to pay for welfare, hospitals and schools. BUT our Church provides these services through charity and volunteerism—from people like you—who accept the social responsibility to care for others. From the Gospel of Matthew (22) the Lord responds to the question, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. “The second is like it”: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
And we take it to heart!That is why I write to you today and ask you to prayerfully consider a donation, no matter the size, to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, the arm of the Archdiocese of Hartford that supports so many of the Church’s programs to help those in need right here in the Archdiocese and through many parish programs. You can make a donation through our parish collection system, or by going to Donate Online to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal ( And be part of the only Church that feeds people no matter their faith, educates the ignorant in elementary, secondary and college; provides hospitals in nearly all states, homeless shelters in city after city, resources for mental health support through Catholic Charities, supports the Knights of Malta and other charities of the Church to help lift up any child of God, and so much more. Drive through New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport or any other city and you will find hospitals, shelters, food pantries, schools, healthcare clinics with Catholic names—that provide help to anyone in need, simply because they are children of God. Who else does so much for so many?
You may find information about the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal in our parish vestibule and atrium, or online at Donate Online to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal ( THANK YOU!