We will be reintroducing the Precious Blood to our Holy Communion Ritual during the weekend Masses beginning at the end of September, when the next schedule for Eucharistic Ministers is rolled out. The schedule takes effect on September 30th.
We will add two (2) additional Eucharistic Ministers at each weekend Mass in the beginning, for a total of 6, and as we then see the acceptance of the Precious Blood resume, we will return to our full complement of 8 Eucharistic Ministers at every Mass.
As you recall from our pre-COVID routine, the cup is presented by the EMs with the words, “the Blood of Christ,” and the communicant responds, “Amen” and consumes a sip of the Blood. Handing it back to thee EM, the minister wipes the cup and rotates it for the next communicant.
The Catholic Church teaches that we receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in either species—Body or Blood of Christ. For those who choose not to receive the Precious Blood, they fully receive Christ in His Body.