I was recently asked why I invite the parishioners to bless the children who are going off to listen to the Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) at the 11 a.m. Mass. The questioner, I believe, was inquiring if it was a "Catholic thing" to have the people/parishioners bless the children rather than the priest. If you attend that Mass you will know that I invite the children up to the altar to be blessed before they go into hear the Word of God in age-appropriate language and then participate in a play, skit or story to reinforce the Gospel message.
While it might be new to some people—asking parishioners to help bless the children is a Catholic Christian thing to do. In actuality, it is not the people who are blessing the children but rather the people are asking God to bless them. Much like Pope Francis did when he was first introduced to the world as the new Pontiff on the balcony of St. Peter’s (causing quite a stir when the media
incorrectly reported that the Jesuit pope asked the people to bless him when in fact the Holy Father asked the people to join him in asking God to bless him as he began his pontificate) we too are asking God to bless these little ones so that they will grow to become His disciples in faith.
I only write this to clarify what is actually going on in the Church—and to make sure all understand that no heresy is taking place in West Simsbury. No need to convene the "Council of Stratton Brook" or anything.