Thank you to all who collected a Birthright Baby bottle to help support women who are in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. Your generous donation provides the love and support to these women that is needed in this difficult time. The birthright tag line is “Friendship, Love and Hope,” which many of these single moms might not have in their personal lives.
Birthright provides resources such as pregnancy tests and maternity and baby items. It also provides referrals for medical support, financial resources, housing, legal and social assistance, and professional counseling. In addition, they offer open and informative conversations about pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, prenatal care, community programs, parenting skills, and child care. When you are handling a pregnancy all alone, sometimes the web of services and support can be overwhelming to manage.
The Birthright organization provides the necessary services to these women with compassion and caring, offering hope in the midst of what may seem hopeless.
I ask all who took the Birthright Baby Bottle to please return them to the parish by JUNE 5th. So that we can provide the necessary support to these ladies. Thank you in advance for your kindness and your generosity. Fill the bottles with money or feel free to write a check, made payable to BIRTHRIGHT, and we will see to it that it gets to the people in need. Blessings and thanks