Wednesday nights a dedicated group of our parishioners stand ready to welcome back and reintroduce Catholics to the practice of the their faith. Those who have stepped away from the Church—or feel that the Church has left them—are welcomed back in a non-confrontational and easy going way to learn about their faith and how they might be able to reconnect with God’s mercy and compassion. Many folks disagree with the Church on various issues—that does not make you a “bad” Catholic. However, often times these “disagreements” are based on misinformation, myths or the unfortunate experience with an uncooperative priest, a disinterested Church employee or an uncaring member…but Christ is never indifferent, Christ is never in a bad mood, nor does He ever wish to lose one whom He has created. He calls us back to Him and His truth time-and-time-again. Sometimes we need a new voice or another opportunity to hear Him call our name again. If you or someone you know might benefit from learning not just what the Church says but why it teaches what it teaches, and to hear it in a compassionate and caring way—invite them to come to see this group and hear what our Lord has to say to you/them. Wednesday nights, 7 p.m., St. Catherine of Siena Music Room. Reignite your faith in Christ.