What we as a faith community celebrate on Christmas Morning—The Incarnation of God into humanity as Jesus Christ!
This gift of God’s love for His creation—the human person throughout all the ages—means that God has elevated the human person and the human family to the height of His Divineness for all Eternity. We have been blessed with the Eternal gift of being welcomed into His Love, His Compassion, His Wisdom, His Life forever—sharing in His Nature and stepping up and out of our human weakness all by His Grace. This happens by His pure gift and through His earthly Church by way of His Sacramental Love in and through the seven Sacraments of the Church on earth which He created and Instituted, handing it over to Peter and His Apostles throughout the ages by the Holy Spirit which empowers the Magisterium (of the Church) when the Pope and his fellow brother Bishops meet and act in His Holy Name.
This great gift of God’s Love—united and working by His grace and Holy Spirit—guard for all ages—God’s Will and Love for our benefit through His Church on earth…
And this Church is not just the intuitional Church but is the whole of Creation—all of us—who come and celebrate (“do this in memory of Me”) each Sunday thus being nourished by the Sacrament of the Eucharist and by each other’s faith who are gathered together and see in each other and ourselves the Face of Christ then (“go forth the Mass has ended”) taking this Holy Grace forward into the world—our families, our homes, our communities—and sharing this grace and thus transforming ourselves and each other into the Love and Action of Christ. When we do this in the sharing and caring of God we become His Likeness and Image in all the things we do and say in His Holy Name. God’s Love is that simple and that powerful; it is you in our world and in our community.
And our world needs His peace and love now. Let our Christmas prayer be that the peace of Christ’s Sacred Heart may be found in the hearts of all men and women throughout the world and in our homes—in the Middle East, along the Ukrainian and Russian borders, in the Far East, in Africa and Oceania and right in the streets of the United States. May God’s grace enter all hearts and minds and begin a healing that leads to peaceful conversations and effective public policies, and may all our elected officials begin to move from politics to statesmanship—building up the Common Good.