There is a parish-based program designed to bring new life to a Catholic parish and this program is called “Amazing Parish,” but that’s not what I am talking about in this bulletin
article. What I am talking about is YOU—the people of Saint Catherine of Siena and your AMAZING GENEROSITY, concern and outreach.
In the last few weeks our nation and our world has had much with which to deal in terms of natural events: hurricanes, earthquakes and more—including watching on the nightly
news the human suffering and devastation these events bring. Sometimes, as we count our blessings for being safe, we might wonder “what can I do to help?” Thankfully, our federal government has worked hard to successfully respond; and to help the massive national response, organizations such as the American Red Cross, America Cares and the Catholic Church are supporting the government’s response with charitable efforts. Catholic Charities is a leader in the effort to care for our brothers and sisters in need.
The engine for this “Caring Catholic Response” comes from the parish level. At our Church’s foundation are Christ’s Disciples who while counting their own personal blessings know that faith is fully active when we, like Christ Himself did as He walked the earth, roll up our sleeves and lend a hand.
Thanks to all of you, our Parish will forward a check to Catholic Charities for more than $15,000. That is amazing! And at the same time you were generously digging deep into your pockets
to help out victims of the hurricanes—people you don’t even know—the same weekend saw amazing parish support our parish’s Youth Ministry’s efforts to raise money to fund the Feed
the Hungry Ministry for another year. And again, you raised some $8,322.00! But, amazingly, you did more than ensure 12 months of meals for more than 200 homeless people, you
affirmed the work and the faith of our youth. Today, you all responded to Archbishop Blair’s homily as he called us to both feed the hungry and clothe the naked but also to affirm and pass
on the faith to another generation. And in doing that, you not only told our youth how important their work is, but you told them that being a Christian disciple means that the heart must feel and care for others, and that they as young people of this parish can make an amazing difference in the lives of other people. Thank You All!