As we return to ‘normal” celebration of the Mass with a full contingent of lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers and now altar servers, I would first and foremost like to:
Invite our current list of altar servers to return to the Ministry Scheduler Pro and sign up to assist at the Masses. The role of the altar server (acolyte) is key to the smooth operations and celebration of the Mass. With various roles within the Mass, the priest is assisted at the celebration of the Eucharist by the altar server. This role includes preparation of the sanctuary before the Mass begins (lighting of candles, the placement of the sacred vessels in the sanctuary, and the service they provide during the Holy Mass by assisting the priest). I both look forward to your return and very much appreciate your help.
I would also like to invite NEW altar servers to join our ranks. If you are in the fourth (4th) grade or higher, and would like to be an altar server, please have your parents call the parish office, 658 1642, and provide your name and contact information. We will begin training over the summer months so that all are ready and able to serve as we enter into the new school year. Training is provided and will begin in July. The date will be posted in a future bulletin and notices will go out once we have new names to add to our list. Please consider this wonderful ministry, which takes place while you are already at Mass, and offers you an opportunity to be involved in Your Church.