.A most sincere thanks to the Men’s and Women’s Club Ministries, under the direction of Lou Daniels and Michelle Helitzer, and many others for their excellent planning and executing of our recent Welcome Back Parish Picnic! I want to express my sincere and deep appreciation to all for their time and talent that went into making this day a wonderful experience for our parish family. Thanks also to the more than 260 attendees who enjoyed a great family day.
My appreciation goes out to all of our youth who volunteered to oversee the children’s games and activities, to those who registered all our families as they came in, and to those who sold tickets for the T-cup auction at the Welcome Table, and to the parish ministries who prepared wonderful Ministry Baskets for the T-cup auction. And thanks to all who sought business sponsors for the day’s events, and a very heartfelt thanks to our sponsors. We thank them for their financial support which meant everything toward our great success! Thank you!