Lenten Soup and Bread
All Parishioners are welcome to join us for a Women’s Club Ministry Ash Wednesday tradition, our Lenten Soup & Bread, at 7 pm. Wednesday, February 18th immediately following 6 pm Mass.
Please look for our sign-up sheets in the rear of the Church or on the Parish website, www.stcatherine.info, and indicate how many attendees and what you plan to bring. Questions? Rosemary Clarke, 860-651-5507 or rchad.clarke@gmail.com or Anne Davis at fam.davisfive@gmail.com.
Children’s Read to Me
Event, Sunday March 1st at 12p.m. in Russell Hall. In celebration of Read Across America Day to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday! All families with children (or grandchildren) of every age are invited to attend.
Please sign up at the back of the church. Bring a fuzzy friend to snuggle with and listen to some favorite Dr. Seuss stories. Cookies and lemonade will be served.
Retreat Weekend, March 6th-8th
Our theme this season is Know Greater Joy. Explore how we can discover deep and enduring joy in God’s presence no matter the situation. Includes home-cooked meals, inspirational liturgies & workshops, original music, and free time to rest and enjoy a walk on our 48 wooded acres & labyrinth. Cost is $295, more if you can; less if you can’t. Register at www.holyfamilyretreat.org or call 860-760- 9705. Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford, CT.